Saturday, October 30, 2010


Is this Remix?
If there is one Brazilian icon that Australians love, it is the Havaianas sandals. They wear them everywhere, no matter where they are. I have seen people in Opera House, at a party and even during an overseas flight. In Brazil, we only wear sandals to go to the pool or beach. So, I was not surprised when I was walking around Manly and I saw this kind of artistic expression made using these sandals. Is this Remix?
It seems to be. As says Lawrence Lessig, Remix is collage; it comes from combining elements of RO culture; it succeeds by leveraging the meaning created by the reference to build something new. And the creativity is the key. And the expression in itself is what make so different things appeared. It is very unusual to have a sandal as a raw material for an artistic expression. That is only possible because of the remix, and its openness of meaning.
Lessig, Lawrence (2008). Remix: Making Art and Commerce thrive in the hybrid economy. New York: Penguin Press.

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